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Privacy Policy

Last updated July 24, 2024


This privacy notice pertains to my project on climate change news in various European countries via NewsData.io API. This project is part of my final coursework for the Multimedia Production bachelor degree at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons. The aim is to showcase the diverse reporting on climate change across Europe. The website does not collect personal data from its visitors and does not require user registration or login.

What personal information do I collect?

No personal information is collected from visitors of this website.

How do I process your information?

As no personal data is collected, there is no processing of personal information. News articles sourced are displayed and translated to enhance accessibility.

How can you contact me?

Questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy can be directed to my email at benz.christina@outlook.ch.

What are your privacy rights?

Since no personal data is collected, specific rights related to personal data do not apply. However, any inquiries about my privacy practices are welcome.

Updates to this notice

I reserve the right to update this privacy policy as needed to reflect changes in my practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Notice of any updates will be posted on this website.